When using the modal verbs, the infinitive “to” shouldn’t be written in the sentence, and the second verb will always go after the modal that is being used. The main function of the modal verbs is to modify another verb to fit one of the aforementioned modalities. One of the particularities of the modal verbs is that they don’t work by themselves, on the contrary, they have to be accompanied by another verb in order to make sense. They can also be used to form the future tense in English and to make conditional sentences. Each one of the modal verbs can be used to express one or more of these modalities. In English, the modal verbs are used to express ability, possibility, permission or obligation. Would / shall / should / must Uses of the modal verbs in English This means that by using the modal verbs, a person is able to communicate different claims while stating the commitment they have to those claims. The modal verbs in English are very particular, they share some characteristics that make them unique, but all of them have the same principle in common: they talk about modality, which is the attitude the speaker has about the situation he or she is describing. One of these groups of words is the modal verbs. Depending on the intention of these ideas, many different words or groups of words can be used to express what a person wants to say. There are lots of ways to communicate thoughts and ideas while talking. Playlearn in English with the Lingokids App!